We may think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it's our garden that is really nurturing us. Jenny Uglow
You would think the start of winter in the garden with the cooler weather, shorter hours of daylight and finally, some very welcome rain would allow us to slow down and have a much deserved break from the hustle and bustle of the past month but you would be mistaken - we are as busy as ever, trying to complete important projects before the seasonal weather slows us down. An amazing greenhouse is almost constructed, we've run another successful BBQ to raise funds, our Federal MP for Kingston, Amanda Rishworth has visited us to present a Federal Government Families and Communities Volunteer Grant cheque for $3650 (photos below), we've participated in the Seaford Community Centre Tree Giveaway, three new workshops have been planned and we have a Garden Planning Day coming up to organise the next round of projects. Have a look below for more information on all of these events and make sure you volunteer to help your hard-working committee wherever possible.

Membership fees and Raised bed rental fees are due on 1st July
Members are reminded that Membership fees and Raised Bed Renewal fees are due on Monday 1st July. Fees may be paid via the Website Stripe facility or by Bank Transfer. If paying by bank transfer the account name is Mid Coast Sustainibility Inc. The bank is Bendigo (Aldinga Beach), BSB is 633 000 and a/c. number is 187908280. Please include your full name in the Description.
The Imperial 5040 Greenhouse is taking shape in the Raised Bed Garden
Our latest project is beginning to take shape and should be finished early July.
Rory has led this project from the start, constructing the footing framework and working with Robert to pour the concrete foundation. Following that, Rory, Wayne and Roger have bolted the framework together over a couple of Sundays and a Friday morning social working bee. We estimate that about 50 person-hours will have been invested by the time the polycarbonate panels have been added. Our seedling raisers are starting to get excited with the prospect of plants for the summer in the market garden and plant sales to raise funds for the garden.

The Seaford Community Centre Tree Giveaway
The Seaford Community Centre Tree Giveaway was held on Sunday 2nd June with Jan, Mel and Kaarin attending to support the event and also raise funds for the Garden by selling Terrariums.
If you would like discover how to build a terrarium Mel is running a Terrarium Building Workshop For Kids in the school holidays on Friday 12th July 10am-12pm in the Seaford Wetlands Community Garden. Members should find a promo code in their email inbox to get a $5 discount. All materials are provided - details are on Eventbrite.
How to construct a Wicking Bed (a practical, hands on workshop) - with Sophie Thomson - Horticulturalist, ABC TV and Radio Presenter, gardening author and creator of Sophie's Patch. Sunday 25th August 1.30 - 3.30pm at the Garden.
And coming up Saturday 2nd November in the Garden:
Sustainable Gardening in Small Places and Containers - Alan Shepard
For those gardeners who have limited space or are renting - you can still have a productive, colourful and sustainable garden. A focus on vegetable and fruit growing, improving the soil, raised beds and organic growing basics. Alan has extensive experience with bio-diversity and revegetation projects across Adelaide.

Winter is here!
Luckily we have lovely dry kindling, neatly cut and just ready to start your slow combustion heater.
Just $10 per 6kg bag
Buy 4 and get an extra bag free!
Free local delivery
Contact Wayne on the garden email:
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs
Our last Bunnings BBQ was held on Saturday 15th June and we made a profit of $1100. Many thanks to Rory, Narrah, Stella, Mel, Kaarin, Liz, Roger, Jan, Ann, Jill, Wayne, Helena, Jennie and Fynnley.
Our next Bunnings BBQ will be on Saturday 20th July from 8.30am - 4pm. We usually work in 2 hour shifts.
Please get in touch if you are able to assist on the day. We still have a couple of shifts to fill and this is an easy and fun way to contribute to the facilities in the garden, meet lots of people, and tell our customers about a great community garden.
Love to hear from you - please email Wayne on the garden email: seafordcg@gmail.com
Driving and Parking cars at the Garden
Please do not drive vehicles on to the garden lease area unless you have express permission from one of the committee to deliver materials or equipment. Please also do not park in the Ambulance/CFS car parks and in Grange and Somerton Courts.
Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2024
The new greenhouse soon will be assembled close to the Eldercare wall.
Weeding the paths
Develop the grass and weed area along the Eldercare fence into gardens
Extension of the Market Garden area
Continued development of the Native Edibles area
Maintenance and weeding of our fantastic orchard area
Fortnightly Friday morning Social Group - next one Friday 5th July
Sophie Thomson Workshop on Wicking Bed construction - Sunday 25th August 1.30-3.30pm
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs - next one Saturday 20th July then every third Saturday in each month up to and including Saturday 21 December
Mid Coast Sustainibility Inc AGM - September this year
Sustainable Gardening in Small Places and Containers - Alan Shepard Saturday 2nd November 1.30-3.30pm
This project was seeded by
