A world of grief and pain
flowers bloom -
even then
Kobayashi Issa. 1763 -1827. Japanese Poet
In Memoriam - Lisa Schuyler
Lisa was the Garden's first Secretary of the inaugural committee from October 2020 - January 2023 playing a large part in the early planning of the Garden and the first planting day in the wetlands. She designed our Garden banner, our newsletter Acknowledgement of Country, business cards and letterhead and enjoyed gardening a raised bed. Sadly, Lisa passed away in December last year after a battle with cancer. At present we are planning a small tribute to Lisa with a shady pergola and a bench close to her garden where members can sit and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the garden.
Meet our orchardist, Jennie Simon
Since joining the Garden committee in 2023, Jennie has taken on the care and development of our orchard and has made a wonderful difference to our 37 fruit and nut trees. The photo below of a Goldmine nectarine testifies to her hard work and success. You are welcome to help her any time by weeding around the trees or joining the small team working in this area
About Jennie
I am Jennie Simon an ex nurse of 40 years. I was brought up with 4 siblings and a love of gardening from my mother.We had a very large block at Woodville which was basically nearly all fruit trees. You name it we had it. It
was fondly known as the fruit salad block by the neighbourhood. I learnt at a very young age how to care for the trees and they became my responsibility as I grew up.I married a man from Renmark whose family has fruit blocks, so that has kept me up to date on orchard procedures.I joined the Seaford Community Garden in March 2023. I was really pleased to see a nice size orchard as part of the community garden and I have been very happy to be involved with a nice group of people.
From the Committee
The Garden committee met on Thursday 15th January and focussed on a number of key areas for the continued development of the Garden. Some of the important decisions -
Design of the Edible Natives area - the committee will sketch some designs for the area. Members are welcome to contribute ideas
Shady archway and bench to be installed in Lisa's memory
Grass mowing - petrol mower purchased to enable cutting a larger area
Fence staining - all members encouraged to continue this work whenever they can devote some spare time
Yankomite top-dressing of the paths can begin in the raised bed area
Southern hose reel needs attention - info for care and correct use in Chat
Next working Bee - Sunday 25th Feb to include a pruning workshop
Fund raising to continue with four Seaford Bunnings BBQs - see the dates below (all on the third Saturday of the month)
Greenhouse site to be prepared at the working bee.
Invitations to VIPs for our official Opening Day on Sunday 28th April. Ideas for inclusion on the day to Rory
The garden paths are ready for a Yankomite top dress! Plus the flourishing herb garden and growing Children's garden.
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs
Our first Seaford Bunnings BBQ fundraiser in 2024 will be on Saturday 10th February 8.30am-4pm. 2 hour shifts available.
We have also accepted BBQs on the following Saturdays 20/4, 18/5, 15/6, 20/7
Please get in touch with me if you are able to assist on any of these days. I'm looking for order takers, cooks, and servers. It's an easy and fun way to work as a team and meet lots of people, tell them about our great community garden and raise useful funds.
Love to hear from you - please email Wayne on the garden email:
Coming Up in the Garden and Wetlands in 2023/2024
Purchase of a new greenhouse to be built in the raised bed area
Installation of a wash basin near the shed
Paving of the area under the pergola and applying a second coat of stain, adding a table and seats
Finish staining the fence
Finish weeding the paths and spreading yankomite
Develop the grass and weed area along the Eldercare fence into gardens
Erecting a shady archway in Lisa's memory
Friday morning Social and Gardening Group - Next one Frid 2nd Feb 2024 9am-11am
Working Bees - next one Sunday 25th Feb 10am - 3pm
Fundraising Bunnings BBQs - Saturday 10th February, Saturday 20th April, Saturday 18th May, Saturday 15th June and Saturday 20th July
Official Garden Opening Ceremony! - Sunday 28th April 10.30am
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